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Transformer Oil Level Gauge Tube

2017-09-28 15:22

  • Product name:Transformer Oil Level Gauge Tube
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  • Product category:Transformer bushings and parts
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Product description

Oil level gauge tube installation manual


1 Overview


    This series of products is mainly applied to oil-filled sealed transformer, installed in the transformer tank cover unit, display the oil level inside the tank. Oil level gauge upper part of the window that appears highlighted in blue when the oil level is normal, the oil level in the tank cap above; red mark when abnormal oil standard oil level at cover less, be appropriate to charge. This product is an upper M40 × 1.5 thread can be used for oiling side pipes, pressure release valve, vacuum and other interfaces.


2, the structure and characteristics


    Tube seamless steel tubes by the oil level gauge, buoys indicating device, or cover the window and pressure valves; thick-walled glass windows built structure. The oil level can be displayed specifically cover the lower part of 30mm within the oil level display true, accurate, and no false oil level phenomenon. Oil level display position can be set according to user requirements, just to make the user when ordering. No special requirements set in the position of the oil level display cover more than normal, both when the oil level in the cover above, show all buoy blue, indicates the oil level is normal; window using the embedded structure, outside dimensions with the same diameter, effectively prevent accidental bump damage, windows 360 ℃ degree view, the product is connected via M52 × 2 thread with O-ring seal to ensure a reasonable amount of compression seals to effectively prevent ultraviolet radiation, so that longer life Aprons safe, reliable, no leakage, the factory before 200KPa pressure leak test. The outer surface of the electrostatic spray, in line with the three anti requirement.


3, installation and maintenance


    Oil level gauge installed in the upper part of the transformer tank cover location. When the tank flange manufacturing base of our company with the product shown in the illustration is welded to cover the opening (use within the weld, cover hole size? 60mm), you may not have a solid weld leaks, window selected direction, bolt the oil level gauge can be securely coupled with the mounting flange (Note: the seal may not have scratches, the best little oil on the exterior top coat).

When a small amount of oiling, you can count the top position in the oil port fuel injection. Unscrew the cover oil level gauge or pressure relief valve on top of, oil slowly until the oil is higher than the transformer cover, this time, the window floats should be all blue, indicating that the oil level is normal.

You can take advantage of opportunities for equipment maintenance overhaul the oil level gauge, check the oil level gauge window glass is damaged or stains, timely replacement of cleaning. If using other auxiliary functions, rotatable upper portion of the oil level gauge cover using M40 × 1.5 thread connection is not appropriate to other foreign matter directly into the upper part to avoid damage to buoys and other parts.

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